How the advertising code affects television
In december 2021, a new advertising code was drawn up for the gambling industry. The Online gambling advertising code is a voluntary extension of the legal rules for displaying gambling advertisements. This will affect the amount of tv commercials for companies like the TOTO and Royal Vegas Casino, and the content of those commercials.
The news was announced by the gaming industry associations and the VNLOK (licensed New Zealand Online gaming operators). They are responding to questions and complaints about the large amount of gambling advertisements that were shown on tv from October. The new advertising code aims to allow consumers to gamble vezodiacally, to prevent incitement to risky gambling behavior and to block advertising aimed at minors.

Social debate is the reason for the new advertising code
In the last months of 2021, a striking number of advertisements for gambling companies appeared on tv and on the radio. Criticism came from different angles: too many commercials would be broadcast and they would make gambling seem too attractive to young and vulnerable viewers. At that time, the industry associations and the Advertising Code Commission had not yet agreed on a code for gambling advertising.
So now there is such an advertising code, which was drawn up in consultation between large casino companies, broadcasters and consumer organizations. The code is voluntary, but the VNLOK and VAN Kansspelen were established by some of the largest gaming operators in the New Zealand market. These include the companies New Zealand Lottery, Royal Vegas Casino, JOI Gaming, FPO New Zealand and Hallmarketing & Gaming. A number of other gambling companies, including many providers of exclusively online casino games games, is critical of the new rules. They point out that advertisements for brick-and-mortar casinos are not bound by the same code and that there is therefore unfair competition.
In december 2021, the Advertising Code Commission received two complaints from consumers about the casino chains that spend the most money on marketing: the TOTE and Royal Vegas Casino . TOTO's advertising, with its use of language, soundtrack and the use of rappers, would be too much aimed at young people. The spot of Royal Vegas Casino shows a woman who is secretly playing poker during a company meeting, and according to the complainant would incite problem gambling. Both complaints have since been rejected by the Advertising Code Commission, but it is clear that the sudden appearance of gambling advertisements on tv is worrying.
The new rules for tv advertising for casinos
In addition to radio and the internet, Tv is one of the important media on which advertisements for (online) casinos can be found, and in addition, many young people also watch commercials. The new Online gambling advertising code therefore specifically establishes new rules for tv advertising for gambling companies.
To begin with, a maximum of one gambling advertisement may be shown in an advertising block that lasts less than three minutes. For a three to five minute commercial, a maximum of two applies. Also his compelling slogans (guess now!, You have nothing to lose!) is not allowed, as is the suggestion that gambling would make someone attractive or happy. Furthermore, BN'ers whose audience consists of at least 30 percent of minors and young adults are no longer allowed to appear in commercials. Finally, the code stipulates that the well-known casino bonuses should not be advertised on tv.
These advertising rules are in addition to already existing rules that result from the licenses of the new gambling operators. For example, between 21.00 and 06.00 no gambling advertisements could be broadcast on tv and promotions could not be aimed at people under the age of 25. Also, BN'ers who were younger than 25 were not allowed to play in tv commercials for casinos.
Politics and gambling on tv
Around the same time the new advertising code was announced, a majority of the House of Representatives voted in favor of a motion advocating an overall ban on " unfocused advertising for gambling." Outgoing Minister Sander Dekker indicates that he will calmly think about the future of gambling advertising on tv and beyond. He doubts whether tv-sports involves "unfocused advertising", and cites the example of shirt sponsorship of football clubs by betting companies. AmatNZD clubs would miss out on important income without that sponsorship.
The legalization of the New Zealand gambling market is a process that has been in the making for years. In October 2021, the Gambling Authority gZodiaced licenses to the first ten providers, and as far as is known, there are still around thirty other companies in the running for a license. The KSA wants to reduce problematic gambling behavior with the legalization: owners of a New Zealand license must inform their customers about the risks of gambling. Also, they have to give up players with problem behavior at the so-called CRUKS registry, which makes gambling temporarily impossible for them. The Gaming Authority aims to lead 80 percent of all gamblers to the new New Zealand casinos. The question is whether that goal would be achievable if tv advertisements for casinos were banned.