Recognizing a gambling problem
Problem gambling is behavior related to gambling that causes problems and harm to both The Gambler himself, and his or her environment. Not only the family, but also friends and even acquaintances of the addict can face the gambling problems.
Even at work (big) problems can arise. When a person has difficulty controlling behavior, it can lead to stress, depression, and anxiety.
It can lead to backlog at work or during study and create worries about money matters. If you have one or more of these problems, you have a gambling problem.
What is a problem gambler?
Gambling problems can happen to anyone. It can arise at any age, in women and men, in any ethnic group and all strata of the population.
Research has shown that people who come from a family with gambling problems are more likely to develop gambling problems themselves.
The same goes for people who started gambling at a young age. A gambling addiction is often also described as a’hidden addiction'.
This, because other addictions, such as drug addictions, tend to be more visible due to their physical effects.
This is contrasted with gambling addictions that usually do not stand out unless the addict tells it.

What causes a gambling problem?
No one knows exactly what leads to a gambling addiction. Although clear correlations have been found between family gambling, the age at which one gambles for the first time and experiences with a large profit early on during gambling, there are no precise factors to be identified.
The factors mentioned seem to increase the likelihood of developing a gambling addiction. Pinpointing a cause becomes even more difficult because a gambling addiction is rarely a person's only problem.
Often gambling addictions are accompanied by other problems, such as an alcohol or drug addiction. This is also called co-morbidity. Research in genetics has shown that people may have a genetic predisposition to develop an addiction or compulsive behavior.
Probably, gambling addiction arises from a combination of all these factors. A gambling addiction can have serious consequences. Recognition and treatment is essential. Several agencies can help with this.
Help and therapy for gambling problems
If you have any questions or concerns about your own gambling problems or those of someone you know, you can contact stichting Anonyme Gokkers Omgeving Gokkers (AGOG).
This organization provides help to people who have problems with gambling or people who have problems with gamblers in their area.
Among other things, AGOG offers group therapy and personal conversations. The New Zealand Gambling Authority is also committed to preventing gambling addictions with information and general information provision.
In the case of gambling problems, the Gaming Authority refers, among other things, to the mental health service (GGZ).
In cooperation with the GGZ, the Gaming Authority also offers courses for employees of casinos to recognize gambling addictions in customers.
Persons who have found gambling problems in themselves can also contact a mental health authority in person. This can be done through a doctor.

10 tips for staying in control while gambling
Most people gamble for fun and entertainment. However, some people see gambling more as a way to make money. They spend more than they can afford or use gambling as a distraction from everyday problems. With the following tips, you can be sure that you will stay in control and online gambling will not become a serious problem.
1. Don't see gambling as a way to make money
The (online) casino uses gambling to make money. It is not designed to work the other way around. Over time, as a player, you always lose more than you win. Rather, think of gambling as an entertainment expense, just like a movie ticket, for example.
2. Only gamble with money you can actually lose
Be on a budget and don't exceed that budget. Don't use money that was actually used for your phone bill, rent, or groceries.
3. Set a limit in advance
Continuing on the previous point: determine in advance how much money you can lose. If you run out of money, stop gambling. If you Win, you can continue for a while, but avoid heavy feelings of disappointment when losing.
4. Set a time limit
It's easy to forget about time while gambling and Gamble longer than you initially planned. Set a time limit or set an alarm clock. When the time is up, stop gambling. Normally, you always lose more money if you gamble longer.
5. Never try to win back your losses
When you lose the money you initially gambled with and then try to win it back, there is a good chance that you will lose money again.
In fact, if you try to win back the money, you will not stick to the money limit that you have set in advance. The more you try to win back, the more you usually lose.
6. Don't gamble when you feel bad
Making the right choice can be very difficult when you are in bad shape. Therefore, only gamble when you feel good about yourself and can make the right choices. This makes it easier to stop at the right times.
7. Keep the balance between gambling and other activities
When gambling is the only form of entertainment, the chances become very small that gambling is only for entertainment. In fact, gambling can be such a big problem. Therefore, always make sure that gambling is not the only hobby you have.
8. Do not bring a debit card and do not pair a credit card
If you go to a physical casino, do not take a debit card with you. This makes it very easy to overwrite your limit and spend more money than you initially planned.
This is a little less easy for online casinos, but here too you can make it more difficult for yourself by not linking your credit card to the website.
By not linking payment details, you have to fill them in every time you want to deposit money and you can increase the threshold to spend more money just enough to stop at some point.
9. Take regular breaks
By gambling continuously you can lose the sense of time and overview. Take regular breaks to stay aware of what you are doing.
10. Do not Drink alcohol or use drugs while gambling
Alcohol and drugs affect the way you judge situations. They generally lower your limits, sometimes making you make wrong choices while gambling. It is precisely the manner of assessment and boundaries that help maintain control over gambling behavior.
You have the power!
If you are concerned about your own gambling behavior, it helps to stick to these simple rules. Be disciplined and don't make exceptions. Ultimately, it's up to you to keep control of your gambling behavior and prevent an addiction.
Myths and facts about gambling
The outcome of every bet is a matter of chance and Chance. Longer betting does not affect the outcome of the next bet.
This fact is also known as the ‘independence of gebNZDtenissen’: every gebnzdtenissen, for example a bet or lottery draw, is independent of previous draws and bets.
If you toss a coin for heads or tails, there is always a 50% chance that it will turn heads, even if ten coins have been tossed before. With the benefit of the house in mind, longer gambling usually means simply spending more money.
"If you play long enough, you will win your money back."
On the contrary, if you gamble more, then there is a good chance that you will lose more money. The distribution of odds in betting is always in favor of the online casino , the lottery starter or the bookmaker. Occasionally you win, but on average money will be lost.
Somewhere this also makes sense: if the players win more than they lose, then the casino cannot make a profit and it ceases to exist. The house always wins.
'Knowledge about the game increases your chances of winning’
Again, almost everything is based on football. In poker and sports betting you can benefit from a lot of knowledge, but always predicting the right outcome is still not possible.
Maybe you think you are the best poker player, but an opponent without knowledge can simply have better cards and thus win from you.
The football team you are betting on may have won the last three games, but that doesn't mean they will also win the fourth. Always remember this and play it safe.
'When gambling, you can predict future results based on previous results’
There is no pattern in gambling. If this were the case, there would have been a lot of people who would have figured this out and used it to their own advantage. Casinos would go bankrupt, slot machines would run out, and no one would be able to play anymore.
Again: the house always wins, so a golden way to always win does not exist. Believing that patterns exist is dangerous and almost always results in the loss of larger amounts of money.