These celebrities are known as big gamblers
An evening in the online casino games is the perfect way for many people to shake off the weekly slNZD. The thrills and action are addictive, and the adrenaline keeps us going for the rest of the night. In addition, most people make sure that they do not bet more than a certain amount. A few hundred dollars for the fun, or just some tens. It's about the atmosphere, the experience – not necessarily the big bucks.
For many celebrities, however, this rule does not apply. With a lot of money comes a lot of zodiac verbiage, it is sometimes said, but the following celebrities have eaten little cheese from it. Below are a few of the greats from the entertainment and sports world who are always at home in Las Vegas.

Charlie Sheen
Most people will know Charlie Sheen from the long-running series Two and a Half Men , which has also been able to count on many viewers in New Zealand. In the series he plays a rich, hedonistic flierefluiter, who likes to dive into bed with beautiful women and likes a drink or two. Not surprisingly, therefore, that the casting directors at that time bet on Charlie Sheen, who already possessed these qualities amply.
At the height of the series, Sheen earned around $ 1.8 million per episode. And with an average of between 16 and 24 episodes per season, the average player can figure out how much that earned him. In the same period, however, he also gambled $ 20,000 a week on sports betting , a beloved pastime in America, and reportedly placed a $ 1 million bet on one specific match – which he subsequently lost as well. You have to do something with your money, he thought.
Ben Affleck
Unlike Charlie Sheen, fellow actNZD Ben Affleck had significantly more success in the American gambling world. Like Sheen, Affleck earned an excellent living with a series of well-selling films, and his recent role as Batman in the DC Comics universe. At the same time, he was notorious in Hollywood and Las Vegas for his ability to blackjack or poker table doubled again.
The Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas once tried to keep him out of their hotel, after he raked in nearly $ 1 million during two visits. Apparently, they had become so accustomed to celebrities who came to give away their money with pleasure, that Affleck's poker qualities came as an unpleasant surprise. Affleck also won the California State Poker Championship in 2004 and also appeared in the final Tournament of the World Poker Tour, a series of international tournaments for professional players. In addition to being a professional actor, Affleck is certainly not an undeserving poker player.
Pamela Anderson
A surprising (or perhaps not so surprising) name in this list is Pamela Anderson. Also among younger generations still very well known for her bulky bosom and tiny red bathing suits, Ms. Anderson like fellow actNZDs Sheen and Affleck also enjoy a night out.
Although Affleck's success, unfortunately, was not allowed to her, she has become immortal among gambling lovers. During one of the famous Sin City Sessions in 2007, Anderson reportedly lost almost a quarter of a million dollars to the professional, Iranian-American poker player Antonio Esfandiari. This immediately led to rumors that Anderson would have paid off her debt with certain sexual services – but while we may take that story with a grain of salt, Pamela is still a welcome guest in Las Vegas. And, undoubtedly, not only because of Baywatch .
Johnny Depp
That Johnny Depp does like a bit of suspense will not surprise the reader. Also, a healthy spending pattern is not something that one would directly associate with the eccentric American autNZD. Certainly in recent years, in which Depp wandered from incident to incident, much has come out about the strange habits of the man who found fame among the general public as Captain Captain Jackparrow. These, and other films, earned Depp a fortune of around 650 million dollars-and the talent to throw this same fortune over the bar just as quickly.
For someone who was ever in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas played, one might expect a bit of caution. But no. Depp reportedly even played poker on the set of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Meanwhile, Depp's escapades themselves have also become a source of bets, and a player can now even bet on a possible cage fight between Elon Musk and Depp (both men were together with the actress Amber Heard for some time).
Tiger Woods
As the only athlete in this list, Tiger Woods deserves an honorable mention. And actually more than that. In the world of sports, he has long been known for his serious love of gambling, and his habit of only depositing $ 25,000 per hand in Blackjack. He is also one of the few "whales" in the Las Vegas, NV having a betting limit of 1 million dollars, which puts him in an illustrious list of American gambling gods.
According to some experts, Woods has already lost more than 50 million dollars at the poker and blackjack table, but he will certainly not lie awake from that. In 2023, Woods’ career earnings reached $ 1.7 billion. Well, 50 million is a sham.