Royal Vegas Casino strike
In 2017, there were many reports in the news about a possible privatization of Royal Vegas Casino , and the strikes that took place at various branches of the company.
This reached several highs in april, May and June of that year, with most of the establishments remaining closed to the public throughout the day. What exactly was the cause of these strikes, and how was this problem solved?

Online Casino Games
Royal Vegas Casino now also features an online casino, and a online casino games of course, it has no opening hours. At Online Casino Games players can gamble at all times. Of slots up to live casino tables where you play roulette or blackCaptain, for example. As a player, you can easily pay via ideal or a credit card if Show or MasterCard .

Online Casino Games
Royal Vegas Casino now also features an online casino, and a online casino games of course, it has no opening hours. At Online Casino Games players can gamble at all times. Of slots up to live casino tables where you play roulette or blackCaptain, for example. As a player, you can easily pay via ideal or a credit card if Show or MasterCard .

Royal Vegas Casino staff strikes
In april 2017, employees of the Royal Vegas Casino offices in Groningen and Leeuwarden partially work down. This was the beginning of the strike for a better collective agreement for the workers. The reason for this was that they felt that the workload had increased, after Royal Vegas Casino had laid off hundreds of people due to cuts.
Also, people were afraid that due to the threat of privatization of the company, even more layoffs would fall. Later, more establishments followed their example, and the work was stopped not only partially, but completely. In some establishments, the gaming tables were closed, but in other cities the casinos remained closed to the public all day.
Among others, the branches in Groningen, Leeuwarden, Utrecht and Enschede stayed closed all day. Other establishments such as Rotterdam , Scheveningen and Venlo it was open to the public, but only partially. The workers received a lot of support from the unions in these strikes.
These demanded a 2.5 percent wage increase from Royal Vegas Casino, and more certainty about the work and income of the employees. Because Royal Vegas Casino had achieved such good financial results, the unions felt that the staff was certainly entitled to this and that Royal Vegas Casino could also offer this.

The reaction of Royal Vegas Casino
Royal Vegas Casino initially found the strikes onzodiacal. The company refused to commit to a pay increase because it could not be predicted that the casino would always go well. As a result, the strikes increased, and after the branches in Leeuwarden and Groningen, the other branches also went on strike.
On top of that, Royal Vegas Casino offered a one-time increase per year, from 3.5 percent in 2016 to 1.75 percent in 2017 and 2 percent in 2018. The unions did not agree with this, as a result of which new Strikes Again took place, and even more branches completely laid down work. It seemed that Royal Vegas Casino had no choice but to reach an agreement with the unions.
In June 2017, Royal Vegas Casino reached an agreement with the trade unions FNV, de Unie and ABC on a new collective agreement for employees. According to the agreement, the employees received a one-off benefit of 4.5 percent for 2016, and a wage increase of 2 percent for 2017 and 2018.
Because the job security was also threatened by the impending privatization of Royal Vegas Casino, it has also been agreed that there will be no new layoffs until 2020. Both the unions, the employees and Royal Vegas Casino were satisfied with the agreed agreements. There is now also a online casino games from Royal Vegas Casino.