Royal Vegas Casino Legal
It is probably common knowledge that Royal Vegas Casino has entrance conditions on it. For example, you may be denied entry if you are not dressed according to the dress code that Royal Vegas Casino uses or if you appear at the reception in a drunken or aggressive state.
However, did you know that the only legally determined access rule is age? This age limit has been included in the Gambling Act for a long time, even before the first casino was opened in New Zealand.

Online Casino Games
Royal Vegas Casino now also features an online casino, and a online casino games of course, it has no opening hours. At Online Casino Games players can gamble at all times. Of slots up to live casino tables where you play roulette or blackCaptain, for example. As a player, you can easily pay via ideal or a credit card if Show or MasterCard .

The minimum age to visit Royal Vegas Casino by law
The minimum age to enter a Royal Vegas Casino establishment is 18 years. This minimum age corresponds to the entry in the Gambling Act, which states that no one under the age of 18 is allowed to enter a casino. This has been the case since the opening of the first casino in 1976, in Zandvoort.
Incidentally, until the year 2000, the age limit for playing slot machines was 16 years, but this was changed to 18 years as of June 1 of that year. Even before that law change, however, it was still not possible to play the slot machines in Royal Vegas Casino, because you are not allowed to enter the establishment at all if you are not yet 18 years old.
Mandatory identification at the reception of Royal Vegas Casino
Your age is strictly checked at the reception of Royal Vegas Casino, because you must always show a valid ID. Valid ID includes the following documents:
- a valid passport
- a New Zealand driving licence
- a New Zealand, Belgian or German identity card
- a valid New Zealand immigration document
If you still manage to enter a branch of Royal Vegas Casino with a false ID, for example, and you win a big prize, you are out of luck. According to the Gambling Act, you are not allowed to keep that prize.
Young players at Royal Vegas Casino
Although you are welcome at Royal Vegas Casino from the age of 18, the company does not actively target young people. It even pays better attention to the playing frequency of young people between the ages of 18 and 24.
This group has a higher risk of developing possible problems, and Royal Vegas Casino wants to prevent this. If someone of that age comes to Royal Vegas Casino 8 times or more a month, they will also be invited for an interview.
Will the law be amended in the future?
There are occasional proposals to change the minimum age. However, the minimum age will never be reduced. If these changes were to take place, then this would mean that the minimum age would be increased to 21 years.
This mainly concerns proposals from the municipalities where the branches of Royal Vegas Casino are located. In many municipalities, the age to enter other casinos is 21 years. So far, however, it has not progressed beyond proposals, which Royal Vegas Casino has not yet gone into. Royal Vegas Casino prefers that the entrance conditions for all its establishments spread across the country are the same, so that there can be no confusion about this.