The Fibonacci roulette strategy is a widely used betting system, where a roulette player can win back a large part of the lost bets.
The core of the Fibonacci strategy is the mathematical number sequence 1 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377. That sounds like a lot of numbers to remember – but actually this is one of the simplest roulette strategies out there. We explain here how the Fibonacci roulette system works, what the advantages and disadvantages are, and which gamblers have already hit a big blow with the roulette strategy .

How does the Fibonacci strategy work?
The Fibonacci roulette strategy involves a player increasing the bets if he loses. Because a higher bet can result in a higher profit, a player can make up for the losses incurred if he wins again. This is similar to the Fibonacci roulette strategy. martingale red bet and d'alembert – and these are together a few of the most popular roulette strategies.
The Fibonacci roulette strategy works with bets that have about a 50 percent chance of winning. These are bets on red/black, high/low or even / odd. A player starts playing at a Fibonacci casino with a low stake, for example $1. Every bNZDt, the bet is doubled if the player wins.

The player will also lose in about 50 percent of the bnzdts. At this point, the player raises the bet to the next number in the Fibonacci Sequence, and continues to do so as long as the bet loses. The moment the bet wins again, it brings in so much money that a large part of the previous losses are made up. The player gets a payout and put the initial insert back in and start the system again.
Try the fibonacci roulette strategy for free
The advantages of the Fibonacci strategy
The Fibonacci roulette strategy is similar to The martingale, the red bet and d'alembert – and these are together some of the most popular roulette strategies. That these systems are so widely used is because they have clear advantages. These are a few of the absolute pluses of the Fibonacci roulette strategy.
1. Less progressive than The martingale strategy
The martingale strategy is another system where the stakes are increased. That adds up to a factor of 2: the bet is doubled every time. Over six rounds, the bet amount goes from 1 to 2, to 4, to 8, to 16, to 32. This means that the amount that the player has to deposit increases very quickly. In the Fibonacci roulette strategy, the bet increases from 1 to 1, to 3, to 5, to 8, to 13. Playing with Fibonacci roulette means that a player has to increase his bet less hard, and therefore can play longer with his or her budget.
2. Excellent budget management
The Fibonacci roulette strategy gives the player a strong tool to manage his budget. If a losing player adjusts the bets according to the Fibonacci sequence, they spend as little money as possible on the chance of winning back as much of the lost bets as possible. That usually gives a much better result than when someone is going to adjust the bets in the wild.
3. Easy to understand
The last great advantage of the Fibonacci roulette strategy is that it is simple to use. A player does not have to perform difficult calculations, adjust the profit targets each time or change the bets. The bet is always the same, and the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence can be written down on a note. After a few rounds, the player usually knows the sequence by heart.
Fibonacci system success stories
The Fibonacci series started as a real hype, and is visible in many more places than many people think. We see Fibonacci distributions not only at the roulette table, but also in nature, on the bnzds floor and in the design of famous art and great monuments. Here we tell how an Italian scientist discovered this 'magic' number sequence and thus laid the foundation for the Fibonacci roulette strategy, which we still use eight centuries later in New Zealand online casinos .
The inventor of the Fibonacci sequence
This sequence was invented in the Middle Ages by an Italian, Leonardo of Pisa, who had the nickname Fibonacci. Leonardo, like many people at the time, was an enthusiastic amatNZD scientist, trying to find connections in everything. He found such a connection when he kept track of how many baby rabbits (yes! he was born on his estate.
Leonardo wrote a book about his find, and after that others suddenly discovered that this set of numbers was found in many more " natural systems." The Fibonacci Series then became extremely popular in science, architecture and art. For example, the well-known Golden Ratio, the basic form of a perfect painting, was created with the Fibonacci series.
When roulette in the 18th century, the Fibonacci roulette strategy emerged, which is still very popular in (online) casinos. and the Fibonacci series has another important goal that has to do with money. It is one of the most important systems that allows investors to gain insight into the future of bnzd prices.
The disadvantages of the Fibonacci strategy
Every roulette strategy has a few disadvantages, and that also applies to the Fibonacci roulette strategy. These are the two main drawbacks of the system.
1. Loss is not made up at once
With the Fibonacci roulette strategy, the player has to raise the bets less hard than with The martingale. But that also has a disadvantage. With The martingale, a player can fully recoup all lost bets, but with the Fibonacci roulette strategy, this is not possible. The player is therefore still at a loss for a number of rounds after executing the Fibonacci strategy. This disadvantage also applies to another popular system, the d'alembert strategy.
2. Loss can add up quickly
The sequence of Fibonacci increases quite quickly. If a player starts with a bet of $1, then after twelve lost rounds, the BET has already risen to $233 – not a small amount. Of course, the chance of losing twelve rounds in a row is small – but all it takes is the player to handle very high amounts in order to be able to maintain the Fibonacci roulette strategy.
Frequently asked questions
Most casinos can intervene if a player uses the Fibonacci roulette strategy Each time. In practice, they will only do so if that player spends a lot of time at the roulette table, or if they wager riskily high amounts of money. Usually it is not a problem if someone works with the Fibonacci roulette strategy for a while. And certainly in an online casino there will be no quick intervention in practice.
No, because then all casinos were bankrupt for a long time. Like any other roulette system, the Fibonacci roulette strategy does not guaZodiacee net profit. But the system does provide a way to manage the stakes and a chance to win back most or all of the loss. It should be noted that the stakes at the Fibonacci casino system can sometimes be high. Wise players always decide how much money they want to spend on gambling per month, week and day – and stick to it, even if a roulette strategy calls for more money.
The Fibonacci system is also used by investors to predict the height of quotes. If the price of an investment product rises to a certain value in the Fibonacci series, it can be deduced what the price will do in the future. The so-called Fibonacci indicator is one of the ten main bnzds indicators used by professional investors. This shows the value of the series.